
The Sequence Of Numbers Associated With F-stops Describe The Ratio Of What Two Parts Of A Camera?

Photography Notebook Photography Notebook: F Number

The f number is used to control the size of the circular opening (archway pupil) that allows calorie-free to accomplish your photographic camera'south sensor. The f number affects picture show sharpness and plays a function in the exposure of the picture. In every photo the photographic camera takes, either the photographic camera sets the f number automatically or the photographer sets it manually, so the f number is a key concept in photography.

Case scenes illustrating f number settings
Emphasis Focus can be placed on one part of the scene.


Bike Polo

Low Low-cal A clear shot might be possible in low light.

Old World Third Street

Table at Bucketworks

Learning about the f number requires agreement its mathematical basis too equally the language used to depict it. The f number involves terms, settings, concepts, and applied science dating back to the definition of "apertal ratio" in 1867, and electric current photographers use the f number and associated terms similar f stop in their work regularly.

I starting time desire to set out a notation for discussing f numbers. An f number is sometimes written with the letter f and the number. Sometimes in that location is a slash or sometimes there is not a slash. For example, f/eight refers to an f number of 8. However, on the Rebel camera and in other literature, the f numbers are displayed on the controls without the slash, and so I am going to apply the convention of referring to an f number of 8 as f8.

A user of a camera encounters the f number in camera settings. The basic concept is that the f number is the lens focal length divided by the diameter of the lens entrance pupil (the opening allowing light to achieve the sensor). Lower f numbers (such as f2, f2.8, f4) correspond to a larger entrance student for the lens. Higher f numbers (such as f16 f22 f32) stand for to smaller entrance student for the lens. The fact that increasing the f number decreases the student opening is considering the student diameter and f number are inversely related to each other.

The characteristics of the image vary with f numbers. At low f numbers, a larger educatee is exposed and the depth of field decreases and may be shallow so that merely part of the subject may be in focus. At larger f numbers, a smaller pupil is exposed and the depth of field increases then that more than of the scene may be in focus. A user tin choose f numbers by using the Aperture Value (Av) setting for the camera or the transmission (M) setting and setting an f number. The photographic camera itself will set an f number in the case of other modes such equally program (P) or time value (Tv).

Example scene taken with Av (Aperture value) at f2.viii so at f22
f2.8 for one/3200 sec

f2.8 1/3200 sec ISO 400

Note that the f2.8 setting gives a focus to the heart of the frame where the camera was focused, and the foreground flowers and background wall are blurred.

f22 for 1/50 sec

f22 1/50 sec ISO 400

The f22 setting gives a focus to the whole field of view. The wavy lines in the background wall are articulate.

Note that, in this example, the time value of the exposure for Av of f22 is 1/50 sec, 64 times the time value for the scene at Av of f2.8 (one/3200 sec). This is because the pupil opening at f2.eight has 64 times the surface area than the pupil opening at f22. The camera adjusted this time value automatically so that the photo would remain exposed properly.

The optics of a detail lens have a specific range of f numbers possible. For case, a Canon EF-Due south 10-22mm f/iii.5-4.5 USM SLR lens has the range its lowest possible f numbers shown in the proper noun of the lens itself (3.5 to 4.5), corresponding to the minimum (10 mm) and maximum focal length (22 mm).

As a new user, I was highly confused by the f number. The associated terms like "f-cease" and "stop down the lens" are used then quickly past photographers, with associated jargon and a mysterious sequence of numbers (f1.4, f2, f2.eight, f4, f5.6, f8, f11, f16, f22, f32) that I was non able to effigy out what was being talked about until I understood the mathematical basis of f numbers.

The Mathematical Basis of F Numbers

The mathematics behind f numbers arises from the definition of the f number, N:

N = F/D

where F = the focal length of the lens and D is the diameter of the pupil. Note that the same units would be used to measure F and D, so that N is dimensionless (the f number is not a distance measurement, but a ratio). Don't get confused between F and North! The quantity F is the focal length of the lens, such every bit 50 mm; North is the f number, such as 2.8, written f2.8. I'm representing the focal length as a capital letter F to aid alleviate this possible defoliation of F and N--which confused me on showtime reading about this. Nosotros can express D in terms of F and N:

D = F/N

We tin can illustrate the relationship amongst these numbers by an instance. We tin can use camera settings to gear up the focal length F (with zoom lenses for example, or fixed values with prime lenses) and the f number Northward (with the Aperture value (Av) setting of the camera, for example). Allow's say we set a focal length of 50 mm on lens with a Av setting of f4. We accept F = l mm and Due north = 4, and so the pupil bore, D, is

D = F/N = l mm / iv = 12.v mm

Say we change the f number on this same lens to an Av setting of f5.half dozen. Nosotros then have

D = F/Due north = 50 mm / = eight.93 mm (rounded)

We can come across our increase in the f number resulted in a decreased educatee diameter. The pupil is circular, then that the surface area of the opening, A, is

A = π (D/ii)2

And so our surface area with the Av setting of f4 is

A(f4) = π ((50/4)/2)2 = 122.72 mm2 (rounded)

Our area with the Av setting of f5.six is

A(f5.6) = π ((50/5.6)/ii)2 = 62.61 mm2 (rounded)

So that while our diameter was changed from about 12.5 mm to about eight.93 mm, our area was approximately halved in going from f4 to

Case scene taken with Av (Aperture value) at f4 and so at f5.6
f4 for 1/1600 sec

f4 1/1600 sec ISO 400

f5.half dozen for 1/800 sec

f5.6 1/800 sec ISO 400

Notation that in our case, the camera (on its Av mode) adjusted the time exposure so that the f5.half-dozen photo took twice as much time as the f4 photo. This was to compensate for the fact that the expanse of the f5.6 pupil opening was double that of pupil opening in the f4 photograph. Annotation that the depth-of-field for the f5.half-dozen photo is slightly larger (more area is articulate) than in the f4 photo.

The F stops in cameras

The mathematical relationships among D, F, Due north, and A are continuous (for Due north > 0 and D > 0 and F > 0). Still, photographers and camera makers wanted to annotation special points in these relationships. These special points are the f stops. The f stops are set up so that the area of the lens student openings are in a sequence where the area doubles with each successive f stop down (reduced f number) on the camera controls and changes past half with each successive f stop up (larger f number). Nosotros saw this in our previous example: if we modify the Av setting of f4 to f5.6 for our 50 mm lens, we increase the area of the circumvolve of the lens educatee by virtually 2. In other words, nosotros changed "1 stop" from f5.half-dozen to f4, and this doubled our lens educatee area. Here is an of import point: our "i stop" went downwardly from f5.6 to f4. As a new user, I wondered why "one cease" was non a departure of 1, such as from f5.half-dozen to The answer is because the human relationship of one stop to another is in terms of successive areas which double or halve based on reducing or increasing the f number in the photographic camera controls, not f numbers separated by 1.

Our area for the f stop k, A(k), and the area for the f end yard-ane, A(k-1), are in this human relationship:

A(g-i) = 2 * A(k)

That is, going down one f stop means we become a doubling of the lens student area in relation to the original student area. We can express A(thousand) in terms of the diameter, D(k), for the f stop chiliad and A(m-1) in terms of the diameter D(chiliad-one) for the f stop k-i:

A(chiliad) = π (D(k)/two)2
A(k - i) = π (D(k-1)/2)2

Then given A(chiliad-1) = two*A(k), we accept

π (D(k-1)/two)2 = 2 * π (D(k)/2)2

Simplifying this expression by dividing both sides by π, nosotros accept:

(D(k-1)/2)2 = 2 * (D(grand)/two)two

Taking the square root of both sides

(D(g-ane)/2) = (D(m)/2) * sqrt(2)

Multiplying both sides past 2 gives us:

D(k-i) = D(k) * sqrt(two)

Thus, the f stops accept diameters in successive ratios of the square root of 2 (approximately i.414). And so our finish changed from f5.6 to f4, and this corresponds to this ratio (v.6/iv = 1.iv). Since D = F/N, we take, where N(m) is the f number for the kth f cease:

F/N(k-one) = F/N(k) * sqrt(ii)

Dividing each side by F, simplifying, and collecting terms:

ane/N(k-1) = 1/North(one thousand) * sqrt(2)
1 = Northward(k-1) * 1/N(k) * sqrt(2)
N(k) = North(k-ane) * sqrt(2)

Thus, as we go upwards in stops, each f number is in a ratio of sqrt(2) to the previous i.

Where do f stops start and stop? That seems to exist dependent on the photographic camera and what y'all want to define as the "first" f end. In charts that I take seen, in that location are dissimilar markings for f stops, although they all share the mathematical relationships outlined here (with variations for rounding and truncating the f numbers for display purposes). Of class, the lowest f number for a lens is limited by the optics of the lens itself--as mentioned before--and a lens may non be capable of f1.four or fifty-fifty f2 settings.

In a theoretical chart of possible f numbers, it seems that one logical limit for an f number is where the diameter of the student, D, is equal to the focal length, and then since N = F/D, an N of 1 seems to be the "base" f finish. If we number this f end as 0 (for the origin, we can make a chart:

f finish f number (Northward) f number(N) (approximate)
0 ane 1
ane sqrt(ii) 1.iv
2 (sqrt(2))**2 2
3 (sqrt(2))**iii two.eight
4 (sqrt(2))**iv iv
5 (sqrt(2))**5 5.6
half-dozen (sqrt(two))**6 8
seven (sqrt(ii))**7 eleven
viii (sqrt(ii))**8 sixteen
9 (sqrt(2))**nine 22
10 (sqrt(2))**x 32
... ...
one thousand (sqrt(ii))**m (one.414)**thou

This is why the settings for a camera's f stops run in this (foreign) sequence!


In one case yous know the mathematical footing of the f number, the side by side step is agreement how people refer to f numbers. Some points to review almost the linguistic communication related to f numbers:

  • The f in f number stands for focal.
  • The pupil is frequently referred to by the more than generic term aperture, which means opening.
  • Many times, people say "f stop" when they hateful f number. (Annotation that sometimes they exercise mean f finish, though).
  • For a given lens, its speed is the minimum f number possible for that lens. A lens with a lower minimum f number is said to exist "faster" than a lens with a college minimum f number. For case, the Canon EF 50mm f/1.viii II lens is faster than the Canon EF-Southward 10-22mm f/3.five-4.v USM SLR lens. Notation that the lens speed is right in the lens name. Note that for the zoom lens, the lens speed is given every bit a range because the numbers correspond to the minimum f numbers at the minimum and maximum focal lengths of the lens.
  • Many times, people write or talk nigh "opening upwards a few stops," or "stopping down the lens" to describe changes in the f number.
  • When people say use the lens "wide open," they mean an Av setting at its minimum f number.
  • You can drive yourself crazy past continually qualifying a reference to an f number past stating what it means in relation to the lens educatee size. For example, "Use an Av setting of f1.viii, opening up the lens." I find that merely thinking in terms of the f number solitary suffices: "Use an Av setting of f1.8." The student size and f number are inversely related by definition--and then it is unnecessary to continually point that out.
  • Using the f number to depict photos makes it easier for me to understand what is going on. The f number is used in controls I tin run into and touch. The f number is a quantity visible and controllable on the camera display and dial. The lens pupil diameter is not shown, and then saying "open information technology up" or "stop it down" makes no sense to me.

But there is more!

F stops, f numbers, and other terms, slang, and jargon and associated scales, cameras, optics, and mechanics change over the centuries and seem to vary past practitioner. But the mathematics underlying the relationships oasis't changed. I will therefore go out this discussion at this betoken and refer you lot to the Sources Consulted at the bottom of you want to read more than.


Preparing these notes helped me understand the key ideas behind f numbers.

  • F numbers correspond unlike size lens pupil openings.
  • Decreasing the f number increases the size of the lens pupil opening because Northward = F/D (the f number N is equal to the focal distance of the lens F divided by the diameter D of the lens student).
  • F stops are photographic camera settings used to mark off successive points where the area of the lens pupils vary past a factor of two. The resulting f numbers change between successive stops by a factor of the square root of 2, approximately 1.414.
  • The varying lens openings requite different visual furnishings through changing the depth of field.
  • A particular camera can be ready at a range of f numbers based on the optics of the lens and the controls of the photographic camera.
  • Setting the f number in the camera is a fundamental practice in photography.

Sources Consulted

  • "f-number." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 2008. 01 Jul. 2009.
  • "lens-speed." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 2008. 20 Jul. 2009.


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