
How To Create A Blog In 10 Minutes Dale Partridge

Small Business Blogs You Must Read by 3 Successful Entrepreneurs

Guest Post: Tori Farley, Flyp's Marketing Strategist

There is something Noah Kagan, Neil Patel, and Dale Partridge all have in common (aside from being successful entrepreneurs and having great blogs…).

They all ask for your email address right when you land on their homepage.

How do they get you? They offer free business hacks, learnings, and tips. You trust Noah because he offers a proven track record, Dale because he offers social proof, and Neil because he guarantees you an insider look as he grows to 100,0000 monthly web visitors. Still, the end result is the same: they are all generating a list of leads to which they can regularly email their latest blog posts and potentially upsell down the line. Growing your business isn't something you need to pull you hair out to do. Work smarter, not harder! Let's take some notes from the experts…


1. OkDork by: Noah Kagan

OkDork is a great site with 7 years of blog posts and a recommended resources list stocked with Noah's favorites to help you build a better business

Noah's insights are extremely actionable and posts get delivered directly to your inbox. Recently, I received an email from Noah on the merits of email marketing over social media marketing. He sent out messages centered around his program, How To Make A $1,000 A Month Business, with some powerful stats:

Tweet: 109 clicks out of 13,090 followers. CTR: 0.8%.
Email: 882 clicks out of 3,547 subscribers. CTR: 24.8%.

The moral is that even with hype around new kinds of marketing, email can still be a strong channel. Each kind of business and customer audience is different, so you'll have to test different marketing strategies to find the most effective one for you. Read more about his experiment here.

If you're looking for where to start, give Noah your email and read this post: You kept asking, here are my answers.


2. NEIL PATEL by: Neil Patel

Neil hosted the most informative webinar I have ever attended. How did I find out about it? From signing up for his email list!

His blog features longer form posts that are chock full of details and specific "how to" tips. Most topics are themed around different digital marketing tactics, very important for small business growth–plus, he has plenty of content for beginners.

He also provides a free quick and dirty SEO Analyzer tool to help you see how your site is performing against competitor sites.I'd recommend jumping right in with: How To Master A/B Split Testing Quickly (And Increase Conversion Rate). Never underestimate the power of split testing!


3. StartupCamp by: Dale Partridge

Dale is a passionate, personable, scrappy entrepreneur. He has strong family values and emphasizes the importance of work/life balance in most of his content. He started blogging in 2009 and wrote People Over Profit in 2015.

One of his most popular posts, with 154,596 reads is: How To Start A Blog In 10 Minutes. The step by step tutorial and images make starting a blog as easy as reading. I have in fact followed this tutorial when I started my first personal blog. I highly recommend making it your first read if you're a novice blogger. If not, 9 Online Tools That Made Me Wealthy is a great read and will give you new tools to try for your small business.

If you're looking to drive growth for your business, these three entrepreneurs can provide you with great free guidance to help you attain your goals. Even if you don't have the time to do a deep dive into each one's respective blog, you can take away one key learning from just looking at their home pages. If you want to start increasing leads and building a powerful marketing machine, you should be collecting visitors' email addresses. So, start by making sure that is a priority. As we say here at Flyp: "Today, not tomorrow!"

How To Create A Blog In 10 Minutes Dale Partridge


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